Bul and Bal in Heavy Metal!

Čast mi je objaviti da će moj strip 'Bul i Bal' od 16 stranica biti objavljen u poznatom Heavy Metal magazinu u svibnju! 
Prvotno je napravljen za strip natječaj 'Domovinski rat' udruge Strip forum.
Strip je autobiografska priča o djevojčici i dječaku koji za vrijeme danonoćnih granatiranja Osijeka 92., žive paralelni svijet igrajući se s igračkama dinosaura. Uz pomoć svoje mašte kreiraju slojevite profile svojih likova, složene svjetove u kojima isti žive.
Ono što me posebno usrećuje, osim što ću objaviti u ovako velikom magazinu, jest što je selektor materijala bio Kevin Eastman autor Ninja kornjača :)
To mi daje nade za daljnji uspjeh Bul i Bal TV i strip serije.
Čekirajte i pratite assbook profil (link) za daljnje informacije!

I'm happy to announce that my comic 'Bul and Bal' in 16 pages will be published in popular Heavy Metal magazine in June this year!
It is autobiographical story and it tells us about a girl and boy living in Osijek city in '92. during the war for independence. During this weeks and months in basement, under the daily bombing, they creates parallel worlds with their dinosaur toys.
What's really make me happy, is that the selector of the material was Kevin Eastman - creator of Teenage mutant ninja turtles franchise!

It gives a lot of hope for Bul and Bal TV and comic series...
Check out the assbook (link) to keep you updated!


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